25th June 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Invited keynote by Prof Marian Ursu:
Blurring Boundaries: Intelligent Video Interaction
More photos can be found at:
9:30 - 10:00
Welcome and presentation of workshop aims. Interactive participant introduction in Barcamp style (name, affiliation, 3 keywords to communicate interest and focus).
10:00 - 10:45
Invited keynote by Prof Marian Ursu: Blurring Boundaries: Intelligent Video Interaction
10:45 - 11:00
Short pitches (1min, 1 slide each) to kickstart poster / demo session
11:00 - 11:15
Coffee Break
11:15 - 11:45
Poster / demo session
This workshop focuses on novel forms of interactive content consumption. It will explore the shifting balance between lean-back passive TV and Web media consumption and lean-forward interactivity. Beyond entertainment, interactive audiovisual content has a high potential for learning and support scenarios. An interdisciplinary view on the topic shall be compiled by contributions from technical research, conceptual work, user-centric studies, industry developments, as well as experimental showcases. Below, some of the questions that the workshop aims to answer are listed:
The workshop is seeking 3 types of submissions: full research papers for presentations (4-6 pages), short papers for poster oral presentations and technical demos (2 pages). Presentation slides or short videos can be submitted in addition to the short papers for posters and demos. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop and all participants must register for the TVX conference.
Download [PDF]
We have developed a workshop format to stimulate networking and knowledge transfer among the participants. The full 1 day workshop will be an active forum to discuss research challenges, methodologies and results in a field that is gaining attention based on quickly changing content consumption needs and habits. More than half the time will be reserved for discussion. The chairs will establish an informal atmosphere, inspired by Barcamps. In an active moderating role, they will make sure the workshop’s questions will be answered and documented, yet will allow some flexibility where appropriate to meet the interest of the audience. Results will be collected on flip charts along multiple questions which emerge throughout the day, e.g. what are the latest innovations in that field? Which research activities exist to tackle unsolved challenges? How could we combine different interaction technologies to the benefit of the user? Throughout the day, the audience will be encouraged to contribute, and especially to comment existing inputs (I’d love to collaborate on this!... This has already been solved in my project!). The outcome of the highly interactive part of the workshop will be summarized on a poster for the presentation at the main conference.
Britta Meixner is a researcher at the Passau University. She received a diploma in computer science and a state examination for lectureship at secondary schools from the University of Passau, Germany, in 2008. Currently, she is working towards a PhD degree in computer science at the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics of the Passau University. There, she is conducting research and development in the area of hypervideo. Thereby, she focuses on creating easy to use authoring tools and players and on download and cache management to provide a better viewer experience. Further she is interested in hypervideo on mobile devices, collaborative hypervideo creation, and decision rules in hypervideo. Britta is a member of the BMBF research project “Mirkul” that investigates application scenarios of interactive nonlinear video. Britta is a reviewer for the Multimedia Tools and Applications Journal (Springer) and was a member of the program committee of the 1st International Workshop on Interactive Content Consumption at EuroITV 2013.
Katrin Tonndorf is a researcher at Passau University. She received a magister degree in media studies from the Technical University Braunschweig and the Braunschweig University of Arts in 2010. Currently, she is working towards a PhD degree in communication studies at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Passau University. She is conducting research in the area of online and social media communication practices. Furthermore she is interested in the use of interactive audiovisual content for learning und support purposes. Katrin is also a member of the BMBF research project “Mirkul”.
Rene Kaiser is a key researcher for JOANNEUM RESEARCH and has been involved in a number of European projects dealing with automation of content production such as NM2, Aposdle, TA2 and Vconect. His research focus is on Virtual Director software, on automating shot selection through cinematographic behavior models. Further he is interested in automating non-linear video production, enabling the user to interactively influence the narrative path while watching. Rene was responsible for the organization of the Interactive and Immersive Entertainment and Communication Special Session at MMM’12. He is part of a group hosting the annual PhD cooperation workshop at the i-KNOW and i-SEMANTICS conference, active member of STCSN, and has been organizing the Barcamp Graz, a yearly 3-day unconference which is an interactive and open discussion format. At EuroITV 2013, Rene was co-organizing the first edition of WSICC.
Joscha Jaeger is a research assistant at Merz Akademie Stuttgart and founder of filmicweb - Hypervideo Interface Design. His research covers web-based hypervideo technology, time-based interaction and semantic video search interfaces. Joscha has a strong focus on film as information architecture, collaborative editing systems for non-linear film and user-driven annotation systems. He is interested in finding new ways of distributed interaction with open video technologies and interfaces on the web.